Just a Garden Variety Bankruptcy Part 2

In part 1 we learned how this “ordinary guy” made a decent income. It was enough to afford a condo, a used car, and the expenses of everyday life. In part 2 we will see how credit cards got him into trouble, and how we were able to help. Ordinary Problems...

Just a Garden Variety Bankruptcy Part 1

If you’ve been reading about bankruptcy for a while, you’ve probably seen lots of stories about unusual circumstances that forced people into bankruptcy. You might have read about a guy who got into some kind of accident, or someone who contracted a tragic disease...

Our Client and Her Surprise Creditors

If you’ve ever fallen behind on payments, then you probably have had some not-so-nice experiences with creditors. If you fall far enough behind and your debt gets sold to a collection agency, then you’re in for a real treat. Dealing with creditors by mail and by...

Big Brother Is Watching You

There are only three credit reporting agencies. Weather you like it or not, they are constantly monitoring your financial activity. Based on many factors such as how quickly you pay your bills, and how much outstanding debt and past due debt you have, each agency will...

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